Are you ready to level up your life and business? To develop a mindset of abundance, to massively grow your sales revenue, Increase your market share and turn your business into an automated sales generating venture?
..with a 4-week committed mastermind and executive business coaching which is guaranteed to make you LEVEL UP your life and business?
Do you silently say this sometimes?

I am a business owner, consultant or coach struggling to keep up with sales and need straightforward way to make all my systems and structures automatically work for my
I am frustrated because I have been making the same level of sales for a while and I feel stuck! I know very well that I deserve more and LEVEL UP, but I just don’t know where to start
I am a business owner but don’t have much experience in marketing and sales. I don’t have a marketing communication guide, marketing strategy and even sales strategy. I need an expert to help me create all these to ensure my marketing and sales is more structured and it brings in consistent revenues.
I randomly try things and get sales sometimes, but I don’t have a system to easily get a lot of customers. The customers that I work with also hardly come back. I need help with this.
I work 9-5 and don’t own a business but I have really desired to get an expert to show me how to start and make a lot of sales so I can smoothly transition into my own business in a few years.
I am a business owner who gets depressed, stressed and feels like giving up a lot due to the uncertainties and frustrations of running a business. I need the secret to adjust my mindset and help me know how to deal with this.
I know setting goals, having a vision and knowing my “whys” are very important for my life and business, but I don’t have a proven guide, template or worksheet to follow to put all my goals and execution plan on. I need an expert to guide me.
I have a product/service to sell and want to learn how to introduce it to the world?
I just need a global expert in sales and marketing to talk to about all my problems so he gives me solutions that I will at least see results in less than 90 days.
I don’t have standardized processes in my business but I don’t know the right thing to do. I need an expert to guide me create these processes.
If you answered YES to any of these questions then this Mastermind & Executive Business Coaching is for you and it will provide you with proven strategies that work!
You Won’t Need To Join Any Other Marketing & Sales Mastermind Group
This Mastermind Group has changed many lives around the world; the unfortunate part is I am only able to have it with a few people so I can have much time to give them and their business attention, care, and RESULTS!
This is all real life experience and zero hype.

Dear business owner / business executives
If you want to have a profitable business that grows like crazy and makes you consistent SALES…
Then this will be the most important Mastermind & Business Coaching you will be part of.
And guess what? In this special group, I am going ALL OUT, pouring out everything and sharing ALL my Secrets!
I will fully share with you these strategies, skills, mindsets, templates, worksheets, and guides I use for all the top organisations across the world.
I’m now very passionate about helping other business owners grow their businesses seamlessly.
Your business grows greatly with the right structures, systems, and plans to relieve you of so much frustration, stress, overthinking and give you freedom of time to sometimes just go on a break to do what you want.
Before I continue, let me make something perfectly clear:
This isn’t one of those overhyped Mastermind & Executive Business Coaching that promises you quick results in your business with ideas that don’t even work.
“This is possibly the one of the most result-delivering Masterminds & Executive Business Coaching in this generation.
Giving you more value than you could ever imagine or invest in.
The return of your investment in this mastermind is beyond reach because the value (strategies, worksheets, templates, training, etc) you will receive will forever give results to you and your business.
Plus a free copy of the revolutionary sales book (12 Sales Secrets) and also the globally celebrated sales course (Beast of Sales Nation)
YOU are getting a complete roadmap and blueprint of the EXACT strategies that I have used to develop badass marketing campaigns to help grow the sales for top multinational brands whose sales revenues increased over 250%
DO NOT make major changes in your marketing & sales strategies (that’s if you have one) until you first Get all the templates, strategies, guides & worksheets from this
LEVEL UP Mastermind & Executive Business Coaching!

1st Week – Mindset Surgery
Growing your business and taking advantage of the opportunities in the market starts from the mindset.
I don’t teach marketing and sales opportunities until I have taught you how to LEVEL UP your mind, how to spot life-changing opportunities, and transform your life.
In the first week, I will help participants
- Understanding how it’s a life of Endless Opportunities
- There are opportunities everywhere. How to spot and take them
- How to overcome fear, uncertainty and frustration in your business
- How to develop an optimistic mindset even under very uncertain times to ensure you manifest the right opportunities
- 3 Vaccines of Self- Doubt
Worksheets, Guides, and Templates:
- Optimism Weapons to fight negative mindsets
2nd Week – Outstanding Global Business Skills
- Secrets of networking to ensure a continuous flow of opportunities into your life and business
- How to develop confidence in every networking event or when pitching your product
- How to turn rejections into opportunities
- The right way to develop your avatars/buyer personas your marketing communication plan
- Developing a magnetic marketing communication plan that will effortlessly pull customers to you
Worksheets, Guides and Templates:
Avatars/Buyer Persona Development – We will create your business avatars
Marketing Communication Development – We will develop a marketing communication plan for your business
3rd Week – Sales & Marketing Strategy
- Setting your sales revenue goals for the year with strategies to hit the goals
- Understanding your WHYs and how it positions you for more
- Copywriting: Why to write heading, offers, and captions that move customers to BUY NOW!
- Developing your marketing and sales strategy for the year
- Developing your client experience strategy to retain your customers
- Developing your referral strategy to ensure your clients automatically bring you new customers
- Understanding online marketing and how to use social media to boost your sales
Worksheets, Guides, and Templates:
Sales Strategy Guide
Marketing Strategy Guide
Template to write offers that sell
Template to fully understand and state your WHYs so inspire you always
Client experience Strategy guide
Referral strategy guide
Template on Heading you can always use to catch customers’ attention
Instagram Page Audit – to ensure your page is optimized to massive results
4th Week – VVIP Premium Consultation
Quality time with Daniel Sarpong
Participants will have 1 – 2 hours of personal and private time with Daniel Sarpong at scheduled times.
- I will go through all your worksheets, guides, and templates and ensure it’s perfect and will bring you quick results
- One-on-one consultation where you can ask Daniel any questions about the topics treated or anything not discussed
- Bring your real case scenarios and issues and pick Daniel’s brain on it
- Have a new business idea, pick Daniel’s brain on it.
- You can include your team in this call